Joy of Creation

Contact Homeopaat Huizen Dittie Rebel

I am Dittie Rebel, I was a medical doctor in general medicine and homeopathy. I have a Christian
background and studied Kabbalah for more than 30 years.

My book is an integration of the insights I got through the disciplines homeopathy and Kabbalah.
Surprisingly they met each other in the Periodic Table of Elements.
In homeopathy we work with medicines from mineral, vegetable, animal, human and imponderal

The minerals are arranged in the so-called Periodic Table of Elements according to their structure
and chemical qualities. The physician and homeopath Jan Scholten and with him many others
discovered that each element of the Periodic Table fitted with a type of person and his illness.
There happened to be themes in the horizontal columns and other in the vertical columns. More
than that, it is also possible to see in these themes those of the so-called sefirot of the Tree of Life
of the Kabbalah. The sefirot are the ten qualities with whom the Almighty created everything. All
together looking through the human types of each element one can see in the Periodic Table the
way of development of humanity. It is a way of learning through trial and error.

In the first part of the book I explain what is necessary to know about Kabbalah. With this vision I
look to the creation stories of Genesis and what they may say. Next I explain what homeopathy is
about. Then I explain the structure of the Periodic Table with its main characteristics. Then how the human types fit in. And than how you can see the development of humanity.

In the end I come to the conclusion that the Periodic Table is not a reflection of the Tree of Life, but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad. The other tree, where we, according to Genesis,
choose to ate from, is human life on earth, the life were we learn through trial and error.
Through the book also runs the principle of reflection. Reflection we use in homeopathy. Through
reflection we learn. Through reflection we come to deep insights. Fundamentally everything is a
reflection of the wish of the Almighty. That is why I called the book: Joy of creation.

The book contains 13 figures for explanation. It will have up to 100 pages. I expect it to cost 20
euro. If you are interested you can send me your e-mail already.
Dittie Rebel.